Friday, June 10, 2011

Babymoon here we come!

For those of you unfamiliar - no I didn't make this up.  Babymoon (per Wikipedia)  is defined as a term that  has come to be used to describe a vacation taken by a couple that is expecting a baby in order to allow the couple to enjoy a final trip together before the many sleepless nights that usually accompany a newborn baby.

And on that note - we're off!  Spending a weekend at the Gaylord Texan Resort.  Can't tell you how excited we are!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Zzzzz please....

Lil’ Hannah’s moving a lot now.  Seems like her movements have maybe not increased, but the strength of her kicks and punches have intensified.  My mom says I used to kick a lot – guess this is payback.  Sometimes after dinner, Jeff and I just sit on the couch watching my belly move and contort.  It’s really neat, but honestly is very strange to see.  Especially since this is our first child and we’ve never seen or experienced anything like this before.  Jeff asked me “What does it feel like?” and it’s so hard to explain.  Feels like something is crawling around in there which is exactly what’s happening.  It’s distracting, it’s exciting, it’s new and I often find myself just staring down at my belly fixated on the movements.  I rely on these movements to get through the days when I’m past the point of exhaustion due to sleeplessness.  Like today.  I can honestly say, I’ve never been so tired while having the time to sleep but unable to b/c I wake up so often making it virtually impossible to get the kind of sleep that counts.  I’m a zombie.  Keep your fingers crossed for me tonight.  Sleep be with me!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Better late than never!

I know, I know....I've been so bad about blogging!  Every thing's fine!  Between family visiting, the baby shower and a couple of trips to see friends - we've had a lot going on!  Jeff and I have packed our calendar with lots of fun things and wanted to get everything out of our system before I really begin to slow down and before the heat becomes unbearable for me and the baby.

Today we are a little more than 7 1/2 months along (30+ weeks).  Lil' Hannah has been growing like a weed.  At the 7 month check up they said she weighed 2 lbs 11oz.  How incredible?!  She's on schedule and everything is looking great!  Her reflexes are strong and I feel her kick all the time!  She's been in the head-down position for a while now and the doctor doesn't suspect that will change.  I'm a little sore on my right side b/c her little arms, elbows, feet and knees are all over there and she likes to rough mommy up on the regular.  We are in the third trimester so frequent bathroom runs and sleepless nights have begun.  It's still hard to believe how little sleep I'm actually getting (because I'm waking up so much more these days) and yet I feel relatively good.  I get tired from time to time, move a little slower, get short of breath sometimes and am sporting the waddle walk when I forget to modify it. 

Jeff and I have had discussions upon discussions about what Hannah will look like, who's features she will have, her personality, etc.  It's so much fun to think about that!  Here are a couple baby pics of Jeff and I and a bonus 3D profile of Hannah. 

Ashley <12 hrs old
Jeff newborn

Hannah's profile @ 7month

p.s.  My sister usually reminds me to take the 2 week belly shot, but because she's here in Dallas visiting us I think she has forgotten!  And my memory is worthless these days so I've forgotten as well.  I'll get it taken soon and will post asap!