Thursday, March 10, 2011

Estactic to say the least!

We're so excited about having a little girl!  We've had a short while to soak it all in and I think we're both still in a state a disbelief.  At first, I almost didn't believe it.  I mean, I knew there was a 50/50 chance for boy or girl but for some reason it's still a shocker when they actually tell you what you're having.  You see, I wasn't one of those mothers-to-be who "had a feeling" or "sensed" I knew what we were having.  In fact, I was the exact opposite.  People would ask if I had a feeling or if I had a preference and I couldn't say that I did.  Jeff would say he thought it would be cool to have a boy (naturally), but towards the very end he had a inclination that we were having a girl.  I think a little girl would fit into our family so, Jeff and Lainee.  Which will mean Jeffy poo is out numbered!  However, Jeff has such a calm-sweet deminor about him that I sense he and our little girl will bond like two peas in a pod.