Monday, March 21, 2011

Milestone and some shame

We’ve reached a milestone - halfway mark as my sister reminded me today (20 weeks or 5 months)! Due date is exactly 5 months away- so close yet so far away!  We have a checkup appointment on Wednesday.   We will listen to the heartbeat and have another sonogram.  I love the weeks when I know we get to see our little peanut again!
I tend to talk about food a lot around this time of the day.  I am not much of a snack person; however, I’ve never been pregnant before either so I suppose everything’s fair game.  Today’s work day ended with a snack run to the kitchen.  I do not know what came over me…one bang of Combos and one bag of Doritos instantly devoured.   I look at my trash can wishing I could hide the remnants... feeling a little shameful…